


  • bilibili 直播
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.
  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity
  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.
  • 网易传媒
  • 分众传媒
  • 喜马拉雅 FM
  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.

合作媒体Cooperative Media

  • 笔记侠
  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • 新营销
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • that‘s
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • 中国广告
  • Topmarketing
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

顶级赞助Top Sponsor

  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​

钻石赞助Diamond Sponsor

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • 腾讯

    腾讯以技术丰富互联网用户的生活。公司旗下社交网络及通讯平台微信和 QQ 将用户连接到多元化的数字内容,包括游戏、视频、音乐和文学。腾讯自主开发的目标用户定向技术协助广告主触达数以亿计的中国消费者。在基础设施服务方面,腾讯在移动支付、网络安全、云服务及人工智能等范畴提供与别不同的产品,促进合作伙伴的业务增长。腾讯大力投资于人才及推动科技创新,务求与互联网行业共同发展。


    Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of Internet users. Our social products Weixin and QQ link our users to a rich digital content catalogue including games, video, music and books. Our proprietary targeting technology helps advertisers reach out to hundreds of millions of consumers in China. Our infrastructure services including payment, security, cloud and artificial intelligence create differentiated offerings and support our partners’ business growth. Tencent invests heavily in people and innovation, enabling us to evolve with the Internet.
  • 小米

    “小米营销”是小米公司推出的商业化营销平台,致力于为广大品牌主提供智能化移动营销解决方案。   随着手机、互联网电视、智能家居等产品的推出,小米公司持续布局生态链,通过高质量的硬件、软件以及互联网服务,为用户提供一站式智能生活服务,已经快速成长为国民智能生活的推动者。    基于小米智能硬件的数据和场景覆盖优势,配合更多的软件和硬件创新,手机级大数据让“小米营销”具备全时数据获取能力,能够打造全场景营销解决方案,为广告主提供持续影响消费者心智的品效合一的智能化广告服务,极大提升了营销的精准性、延展性和智能性。


    Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers. Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all- scene marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers. Official Website:

铂金赞助Platinum Sponsor

  • linkedin

    LinkedIn创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国加州硅谷。领英致力于连接全球职场人士,并协助他们事半功倍,发挥所长。作为全球领先的职业社交网站LinkedIn用户数已超过5.9亿,中国用户数已逾4,400万。同时,有超过1,000家中国企业和政府客户携手领英招募优质人才,打造商业和雇主品牌。


    Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. More than 590M people worldwide gather on LinkedIn to stay connected and informed, advance their careers, and work smarter. Together they comprise a global community of business professionals. These are the decision-makers, influencers, and the leaders of today and tomorrow—precisely the people you want to target.
  • 头条


    Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2012. The company’s main product “Toutiao” is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered app that recommends personalized information to its users. By analyzing user interactions with content on the platform, Toutiao’s algorithms generate content lists tailored for each user, thereby differentiating from traditional methods of information distribution. Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won a remarkable market share and remained as a leading app in Apple's App Store.To date, more than 1,100,000 individuals and organizations have started their ToutiaoHao accounts, a self-publishing new media platform within the app. Official Website:
  • 网易传媒


    NetEase Media,the pioneer of Chinese internet portals and mobile information applications, has won users’ reputation for its high-quality original content, distinctive report angle and unique Follow Poster culture. Facing the trend of consumption upgrade, in year 2017, NetEase Media has firstly put forward the Content Consumption Upgrade Leader Strategy and fully entered the pan-entertainment industry. Official
  • 知乎




    截止 2018 8 月,知乎注册用户数已突破 2 亿,以 18-35 岁人群为主,回答数超过 1.2亿。



    As a well-known knowledge content platform in the Chinese internet, Zhihu aims at building a knowledge-sharing network that is accessible to all with the vision of "connecting everything with knowledge", making it easier for people to share knowledge, experience and insights and discover a larger world. With the mission of "helping people better understand the world", Zhihu has gathered the most creative people in the fields of technology, commerce and culture on the Internet in China with a serious, professional and friendly community atmosphere and unique product mechanism. Users in Zhihu can establish trust and connection through knowledge, and they can have rational, in-depth and multi-dimensional discussions on hot events or topics. They can share professional, interesting and diversified high-quality content, create and enhance personal brand value, and discover and gain new opportunities. Zhihu will continue to build an ecology with knowledge sharing as its core in the future, and build a sustainable content and expert network to help people meet their needs in life, work, study and innovation scenarios, which will bring profound influence and positive changes to related industries. By August 2018, the number of registered users in Zhihu had exceeded 200 million, mainly those aged 18 - 35, and the number of replies exceeded 120 million. At present, Zhihu provides users with the core function of "Q&A". In addition, Zhihu also provides users with a one-stop knowledge service platform "Zhihu University" and a series of knowledge products and services such as "Ideas" for short content sharing, constantly enriching and improving users' knowledge sharing and consumption scenarios.​ Official
  • 360


    360 AD Platform is a panoramic intelligent marketing platform leading in China. Relying on its massive users and cross-screen multi-terminal panoramic innovation resources of the 360 PC and mobile terminals as well as its intelligent hardware, 360 AD Platform can provide 800 million users with safer and more convenient information services, based on the big data of its unique consumer behavioral chain, its multivariate content marketing and technological product innovation, so that, nearly one million leading enterprises around the world could comprehensively improve their marketing effectiveness.
  • 赛诺贝斯


    SINObase Marketing Technology Corporation (stock code: 836311), was founded in 2005, abbreviated as SINObase. SINObase is the leading marketing automation service provider in China , focusing on integrated marketing solutions. SINObase is the No.1 “marketing cloud” company listed on NEEQ in 2016. The core business of SINObase includes, marketing consultancy, digital marketing and big data solutions. SINObase offers clients integrated solutions in Four domain scenario: O2O Digital Event, WeChat marketing, SCRM, Omni-channel integration, to help our clients to optimize their digital marketing architecture and build their own big data platform, and enable automated marketing process management. The integrated, precise and efficient "SAAS +marketing services" business model is based on Smarket (智营者®), which is fully developed by SINObase as the marketing automation SAAS platform. SINObase has three subscidaries in Beijing, Shanghai and Shijiazhuang, 200+ employees and over 800 featured customers. With over a decade of innovation and development, SINObase becomes the preferred supplier of Fortune 500 and well-known domestic enterprises, such as Dell China, HP, Fuji Xerox, Symantec, Oracle, Peugeot, Huawei, Lenovo, Baidu, etc., covering IT, financial services, education, manufacturing, FMCG, automotive and other industries. SINObase is the leading marketing service provider, delivering 1,000+ projects and 2,000+ digital events every year. The value proposition of SINObase is "intelligent integration to maximize marketing value", which means to improve marketing efficiency, reduce marketing cost, and ensure marketing effectiveness.

黄金赞助Gold Sponsor

  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • admaster




    AdMaster helps enterprises create commercial value through advanced measurement and analysis solutions. AdMaster aims to be the world’s leading independent third-party data technology company. It helps brands optimize business strategies and create commercial value with comprehensive measurement solutions and insight and analysis services. Its service portfolio includes advertisement measurement and verification; benchmarking and media planning tools; single-source data solutions; social and content insight analysis(including pan-IP and content marketing measurement); and media technology solutions. AdMaster uses advanced data technology to bridge the gap between brands and consumers and help brands evaluate their ROI. Today, AdMaster provides over 80% of international and Chinese brands from every industry with data products and services that maximize digital marketing investment.
  • 意略明


    Founded in 2007 as an insight-driven strategy consulting firm to leverage the best of the management consulting and market research industries, Illuminera has evolved into a premier data-empowered marketing and strategy consulting group with international presence.  Illuminera’s unique strength lies in the deep belief that data of all dimensions, if analyzed properly, can lead to revealing insight which in turn illuminates powerful business strategies and vastly improves marketing operational efficiency. From developing growth roadmaps to positioning mega brands, from innovating new products and business models to rewriting the rules of media planning with AI algorithms, time and again our unique philosophy and methodologies yield insights,  strategies and marketing efficiency that afford our clients with substantial competitive edge. Today Illuminera has expanded into a collection of boutiques each with unique strengths and specializations but all relentlessly striving to help clients to innovate, grow and win.​
  • pinyou

    品友互动拥有全球顶尖数据挖掘和机器学习算法科研团队,在广告技术领域率先引入大数据 研究方法。依托国际领先水平的实时竞价架构和算法,先进的人群分析专利技术,通过与包 括运营商在内的第三方数据商建立资本、战略合作关系拥有独特的数据资产,跨越单一媒体 (平台)的“全网全量”的规模优势,品友正在帮助越来越多来自亚洲、欧洲、北美地区的 广告主进行一站式的智能营销决策管理和优化。

  • momo


    Momo Inc. (Nasdaq: MOMO) is one of China's leading mobile social networking platforms. Momo enables users to establish and expand social relationships based on location and interests. Our platform includes our Momo mobile application and a variety of related features, functionalities, tools and services that we provide to users, customers and platform partners. We aim to offer our users an authentic social experience by encouraging them to provide detailed personal information on Momo.
  • ipg

    IPG盟博 (IPG Mediabrands) 隶属于IPG集团 (NYSE: IPG),成立于2007年,负责管理集团IPG全球范围内所有媒体相关资产。IPG盟博在全球范围内的媒介承揽额达390亿美元,拥有10,500多名营销传播专家,遍布全球130多个国家。IPG盟博是一家新兴的全球代理机构,以动态营销为核心理念。IPG盟博旗下媒介代理机构包括UM优盟、Initiative极致传媒和Reprise,同时拥有Cadreon凯骏和MAGNA等专业单元。

    IPG Mediabrands was founded by Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) in 2007 to manage all of its global media related assets. Today, we manage over $39 billion in marketing investment on behalf of our clients, employing over 10,500 marketing communication specialists in more than 130 countries. IPG Mediabrands is a new world agency group designed with dynamic marketing at its core. Our speed, agility and data smarts ensure we continue to create growth for many of the world’s biggest brands. IPG Mediabrands’ network of agencies in China includes UM, Initiative and Reprise as well as specialty business units Cadreon and MAGNA.
  • 喜马拉雅


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.
  • 分众

    •       2003年,分众传媒首创电梯媒体
    •       十五年来,分众营收复合增长率超58%
    •       2005年成为首家在美国纳斯达克上市的中国广告传媒股并于2007年入选纳斯达克100指数
    •       2015年底回归A股,市值突破千亿,成为中国媒体市值第一股
    •       2016年,作为中国第二大媒体集团,全年营收102亿
    •       2016年,分众传媒位列“中国上市公司市值500强” 第63位

    •       2017年,分众传媒纳入MSCI中国A股指数

    •       2017年,连续斩获纽约、釜山、伦敦等广告节媒体大奖

    •       2003,Mr. Jiang founded Focus Media, the first elevator media advertising company •       Compound growth rate of revenue reached 58%+ among 15 years •       Listed in Nasdaq in July 2005, the first media group in overseas stock market,  appointed as one of top 100 index stocks in Nasdaq in 2007 •       Back to China stock market in Dec.2015, market value achieved RMB150+ billion and listed among the top media companies in China market. •       2016,total revenue reached RMB10+ Billion, second largest media group in China. •       2016,listed 63rd among Top 500 China’s Listed Company •       2017,listed in The MSCI China A-share index •       2017,awarded by New York Advertising Festivals, AD Stars and London International Advertising Awards

战略合作媒体Strategic Media Partner

  • 新营销
  • 中国广告
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • 胖鲸智库


新闻稿发布合作伙伴Official Press Release Agency

  • 美通社

独家旅游科技媒体Support Media

  • 环球旅讯


  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • Topmarketing
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网
  • 硅谷网
  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • techweb


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 创略科技


    APEX Technologies is a data technology and AI company that specializes in enhancing marketing and customer experience. By building a complete customer data platform from data collection to application, APEX Technologies provides business users with a seamless experience in marketing campaigns, helping companies to grow and improving customer satisfaction. APEX Technologies also ensures that companies can easily activate their customer segments in online and offline marketing channels and receive real-time feedback to continuously improve the algorithm. This provides convenient end-to-end solutions for corporate marketing teams and CRM teams.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

独家指定高端饮用水Exclusive high-end drinking water

  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.


  • that‘s


  • 笔记侠

SCRM 合作伙伴SCRM Partner

  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:

直播合作伙伴Live broadcast partners

  • bilibili 直播
  • 网易传媒

独家电梯媒体支持Exclusive Audio Partner

  • 分众传媒

咖啡合作伙伴Official Coffee Partner

  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity

独家数字会务支持Exclusive Digital Conference Support

  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .

官方视频合作伙伴Official Video Partner

  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.

独家音频合作伙伴Exclusive audio partners

  • 喜马拉雅 FM

独家即时影像合作伙伴Exclusive Real-time Image Partner

  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频



  • bilibili 直播
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.
  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity
  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.
  • 网易传媒
  • 分众传媒
  • 喜马拉雅 FM
  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.

合作媒体Cooperative Media

  • 笔记侠
  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • 新营销
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • that‘s
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • 中国广告
  • Topmarketing
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

顶级赞助Top Sponsor

  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​

钻石赞助Diamond Sponsor

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • 腾讯

    腾讯以技术丰富互联网用户的生活。公司旗下社交网络及通讯平台微信和 QQ 将用户连接到多元化的数字内容,包括游戏、视频、音乐和文学。腾讯自主开发的目标用户定向技术协助广告主触达数以亿计的中国消费者。在基础设施服务方面,腾讯在移动支付、网络安全、云服务及人工智能等范畴提供与别不同的产品,促进合作伙伴的业务增长。腾讯大力投资于人才及推动科技创新,务求与互联网行业共同发展。


    Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of Internet users. Our social products Weixin and QQ link our users to a rich digital content catalogue including games, video, music and books. Our proprietary targeting technology helps advertisers reach out to hundreds of millions of consumers in China. Our infrastructure services including payment, security, cloud and artificial intelligence create differentiated offerings and support our partners’ business growth. Tencent invests heavily in people and innovation, enabling us to evolve with the Internet.
  • 小米

    “小米营销”是小米公司推出的商业化营销平台,致力于为广大品牌主提供智能化移动营销解决方案。   随着手机、互联网电视、智能家居等产品的推出,小米公司持续布局生态链,通过高质量的硬件、软件以及互联网服务,为用户提供一站式智能生活服务,已经快速成长为国民智能生活的推动者。    基于小米智能硬件的数据和场景覆盖优势,配合更多的软件和硬件创新,手机级大数据让“小米营销”具备全时数据获取能力,能够打造全场景营销解决方案,为广告主提供持续影响消费者心智的品效合一的智能化广告服务,极大提升了营销的精准性、延展性和智能性。


    Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers. Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all- scene marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers. Official Website:

铂金赞助Platinum Sponsor

  • linkedin

    LinkedIn创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国加州硅谷。领英致力于连接全球职场人士,并协助他们事半功倍,发挥所长。作为全球领先的职业社交网站LinkedIn用户数已超过5.9亿,中国用户数已逾4,400万。同时,有超过1,000家中国企业和政府客户携手领英招募优质人才,打造商业和雇主品牌。


    Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. More than 590M people worldwide gather on LinkedIn to stay connected and informed, advance their careers, and work smarter. Together they comprise a global community of business professionals. These are the decision-makers, influencers, and the leaders of today and tomorrow—precisely the people you want to target.
  • 头条


    Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2012. The company’s main product “Toutiao” is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered app that recommends personalized information to its users. By analyzing user interactions with content on the platform, Toutiao’s algorithms generate content lists tailored for each user, thereby differentiating from traditional methods of information distribution. Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won a remarkable market share and remained as a leading app in Apple's App Store.To date, more than 1,100,000 individuals and organizations have started their ToutiaoHao accounts, a self-publishing new media platform within the app. Official Website:
  • 网易传媒


    NetEase Media,the pioneer of Chinese internet portals and mobile information applications, has won users’ reputation for its high-quality original content, distinctive report angle and unique Follow Poster culture. Facing the trend of consumption upgrade, in year 2017, NetEase Media has firstly put forward the Content Consumption Upgrade Leader Strategy and fully entered the pan-entertainment industry. Official
  • 知乎




    截止 2018 8 月,知乎注册用户数已突破 2 亿,以 18-35 岁人群为主,回答数超过 1.2亿。



    As a well-known knowledge content platform in the Chinese internet, Zhihu aims at building a knowledge-sharing network that is accessible to all with the vision of "connecting everything with knowledge", making it easier for people to share knowledge, experience and insights and discover a larger world. With the mission of "helping people better understand the world", Zhihu has gathered the most creative people in the fields of technology, commerce and culture on the Internet in China with a serious, professional and friendly community atmosphere and unique product mechanism. Users in Zhihu can establish trust and connection through knowledge, and they can have rational, in-depth and multi-dimensional discussions on hot events or topics. They can share professional, interesting and diversified high-quality content, create and enhance personal brand value, and discover and gain new opportunities. Zhihu will continue to build an ecology with knowledge sharing as its core in the future, and build a sustainable content and expert network to help people meet their needs in life, work, study and innovation scenarios, which will bring profound influence and positive changes to related industries. By August 2018, the number of registered users in Zhihu had exceeded 200 million, mainly those aged 18 - 35, and the number of replies exceeded 120 million. At present, Zhihu provides users with the core function of "Q&A". In addition, Zhihu also provides users with a one-stop knowledge service platform "Zhihu University" and a series of knowledge products and services such as "Ideas" for short content sharing, constantly enriching and improving users' knowledge sharing and consumption scenarios.​ Official
  • 360


    360 AD Platform is a panoramic intelligent marketing platform leading in China. Relying on its massive users and cross-screen multi-terminal panoramic innovation resources of the 360 PC and mobile terminals as well as its intelligent hardware, 360 AD Platform can provide 800 million users with safer and more convenient information services, based on the big data of its unique consumer behavioral chain, its multivariate content marketing and technological product innovation, so that, nearly one million leading enterprises around the world could comprehensively improve their marketing effectiveness.
  • 赛诺贝斯


    SINObase Marketing Technology Corporation (stock code: 836311), was founded in 2005, abbreviated as SINObase. SINObase is the leading marketing automation service provider in China , focusing on integrated marketing solutions. SINObase is the No.1 “marketing cloud” company listed on NEEQ in 2016. The core business of SINObase includes, marketing consultancy, digital marketing and big data solutions. SINObase offers clients integrated solutions in Four domain scenario: O2O Digital Event, WeChat marketing, SCRM, Omni-channel integration, to help our clients to optimize their digital marketing architecture and build their own big data platform, and enable automated marketing process management. The integrated, precise and efficient "SAAS +marketing services" business model is based on Smarket (智营者®), which is fully developed by SINObase as the marketing automation SAAS platform. SINObase has three subscidaries in Beijing, Shanghai and Shijiazhuang, 200+ employees and over 800 featured customers. With over a decade of innovation and development, SINObase becomes the preferred supplier of Fortune 500 and well-known domestic enterprises, such as Dell China, HP, Fuji Xerox, Symantec, Oracle, Peugeot, Huawei, Lenovo, Baidu, etc., covering IT, financial services, education, manufacturing, FMCG, automotive and other industries. SINObase is the leading marketing service provider, delivering 1,000+ projects and 2,000+ digital events every year. The value proposition of SINObase is "intelligent integration to maximize marketing value", which means to improve marketing efficiency, reduce marketing cost, and ensure marketing effectiveness.

黄金赞助Gold Sponsor

  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • admaster




    AdMaster helps enterprises create commercial value through advanced measurement and analysis solutions. AdMaster aims to be the world’s leading independent third-party data technology company. It helps brands optimize business strategies and create commercial value with comprehensive measurement solutions and insight and analysis services. Its service portfolio includes advertisement measurement and verification; benchmarking and media planning tools; single-source data solutions; social and content insight analysis(including pan-IP and content marketing measurement); and media technology solutions. AdMaster uses advanced data technology to bridge the gap between brands and consumers and help brands evaluate their ROI. Today, AdMaster provides over 80% of international and Chinese brands from every industry with data products and services that maximize digital marketing investment.
  • 意略明


    Founded in 2007 as an insight-driven strategy consulting firm to leverage the best of the management consulting and market research industries, Illuminera has evolved into a premier data-empowered marketing and strategy consulting group with international presence.  Illuminera’s unique strength lies in the deep belief that data of all dimensions, if analyzed properly, can lead to revealing insight which in turn illuminates powerful business strategies and vastly improves marketing operational efficiency. From developing growth roadmaps to positioning mega brands, from innovating new products and business models to rewriting the rules of media planning with AI algorithms, time and again our unique philosophy and methodologies yield insights,  strategies and marketing efficiency that afford our clients with substantial competitive edge. Today Illuminera has expanded into a collection of boutiques each with unique strengths and specializations but all relentlessly striving to help clients to innovate, grow and win.​
  • pinyou

    品友互动拥有全球顶尖数据挖掘和机器学习算法科研团队,在广告技术领域率先引入大数据 研究方法。依托国际领先水平的实时竞价架构和算法,先进的人群分析专利技术,通过与包 括运营商在内的第三方数据商建立资本、战略合作关系拥有独特的数据资产,跨越单一媒体 (平台)的“全网全量”的规模优势,品友正在帮助越来越多来自亚洲、欧洲、北美地区的 广告主进行一站式的智能营销决策管理和优化。

  • momo


    Momo Inc. (Nasdaq: MOMO) is one of China's leading mobile social networking platforms. Momo enables users to establish and expand social relationships based on location and interests. Our platform includes our Momo mobile application and a variety of related features, functionalities, tools and services that we provide to users, customers and platform partners. We aim to offer our users an authentic social experience by encouraging them to provide detailed personal information on Momo.
  • ipg

    IPG盟博 (IPG Mediabrands) 隶属于IPG集团 (NYSE: IPG),成立于2007年,负责管理集团IPG全球范围内所有媒体相关资产。IPG盟博在全球范围内的媒介承揽额达390亿美元,拥有10,500多名营销传播专家,遍布全球130多个国家。IPG盟博是一家新兴的全球代理机构,以动态营销为核心理念。IPG盟博旗下媒介代理机构包括UM优盟、Initiative极致传媒和Reprise,同时拥有Cadreon凯骏和MAGNA等专业单元。

    IPG Mediabrands was founded by Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) in 2007 to manage all of its global media related assets. Today, we manage over $39 billion in marketing investment on behalf of our clients, employing over 10,500 marketing communication specialists in more than 130 countries. IPG Mediabrands is a new world agency group designed with dynamic marketing at its core. Our speed, agility and data smarts ensure we continue to create growth for many of the world’s biggest brands. IPG Mediabrands’ network of agencies in China includes UM, Initiative and Reprise as well as specialty business units Cadreon and MAGNA.
  • 喜马拉雅


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.
  • 分众

    •       2003年,分众传媒首创电梯媒体
    •       十五年来,分众营收复合增长率超58%
    •       2005年成为首家在美国纳斯达克上市的中国广告传媒股并于2007年入选纳斯达克100指数
    •       2015年底回归A股,市值突破千亿,成为中国媒体市值第一股
    •       2016年,作为中国第二大媒体集团,全年营收102亿
    •       2016年,分众传媒位列“中国上市公司市值500强” 第63位

    •       2017年,分众传媒纳入MSCI中国A股指数

    •       2017年,连续斩获纽约、釜山、伦敦等广告节媒体大奖

    •       2003,Mr. Jiang founded Focus Media, the first elevator media advertising company •       Compound growth rate of revenue reached 58%+ among 15 years •       Listed in Nasdaq in July 2005, the first media group in overseas stock market,  appointed as one of top 100 index stocks in Nasdaq in 2007 •       Back to China stock market in Dec.2015, market value achieved RMB150+ billion and listed among the top media companies in China market. •       2016,total revenue reached RMB10+ Billion, second largest media group in China. •       2016,listed 63rd among Top 500 China’s Listed Company •       2017,listed in The MSCI China A-share index •       2017,awarded by New York Advertising Festivals, AD Stars and London International Advertising Awards

战略合作媒体Strategic Media Partner

  • 新营销
  • 中国广告
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • 胖鲸智库


新闻稿发布合作伙伴Official Press Release Agency

  • 美通社

独家旅游科技媒体Support Media

  • 环球旅讯


  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • Topmarketing
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网
  • 硅谷网
  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • techweb


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 创略科技


    APEX Technologies is a data technology and AI company that specializes in enhancing marketing and customer experience. By building a complete customer data platform from data collection to application, APEX Technologies provides business users with a seamless experience in marketing campaigns, helping companies to grow and improving customer satisfaction. APEX Technologies also ensures that companies can easily activate their customer segments in online and offline marketing channels and receive real-time feedback to continuously improve the algorithm. This provides convenient end-to-end solutions for corporate marketing teams and CRM teams.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

独家指定高端饮用水Exclusive high-end drinking water

  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.


  • that‘s


  • 笔记侠

SCRM 合作伙伴SCRM Partner

  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:

直播合作伙伴Live broadcast partners

  • bilibili 直播
  • 网易传媒

独家电梯媒体支持Exclusive Audio Partner

  • 分众传媒

咖啡合作伙伴Official Coffee Partner

  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity

独家数字会务支持Exclusive Digital Conference Support

  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .

官方视频合作伙伴Official Video Partner

  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.

独家音频合作伙伴Exclusive audio partners

  • 喜马拉雅 FM

独家即时影像合作伙伴Exclusive Real-time Image Partner

  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频



  • bilibili 直播
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.
  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity
  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.
  • 网易传媒
  • 分众传媒
  • 喜马拉雅 FM
  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.

合作媒体Cooperative Media

  • 笔记侠
  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • 新营销
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • that‘s
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • 中国广告
  • Topmarketing
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

顶级赞助Top Sponsor

  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​

钻石赞助Diamond Sponsor

  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • 腾讯

    腾讯以技术丰富互联网用户的生活。公司旗下社交网络及通讯平台微信和 QQ 将用户连接到多元化的数字内容,包括游戏、视频、音乐和文学。腾讯自主开发的目标用户定向技术协助广告主触达数以亿计的中国消费者。在基础设施服务方面,腾讯在移动支付、网络安全、云服务及人工智能等范畴提供与别不同的产品,促进合作伙伴的业务增长。腾讯大力投资于人才及推动科技创新,务求与互联网行业共同发展。


    Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of Internet users. Our social products Weixin and QQ link our users to a rich digital content catalogue including games, video, music and books. Our proprietary targeting technology helps advertisers reach out to hundreds of millions of consumers in China. Our infrastructure services including payment, security, cloud and artificial intelligence create differentiated offerings and support our partners’ business growth. Tencent invests heavily in people and innovation, enabling us to evolve with the Internet.
  • 小米

    “小米营销”是小米公司推出的商业化营销平台,致力于为广大品牌主提供智能化移动营销解决方案。   随着手机、互联网电视、智能家居等产品的推出,小米公司持续布局生态链,通过高质量的硬件、软件以及互联网服务,为用户提供一站式智能生活服务,已经快速成长为国民智能生活的推动者。    基于小米智能硬件的数据和场景覆盖优势,配合更多的软件和硬件创新,手机级大数据让“小米营销”具备全时数据获取能力,能够打造全场景营销解决方案,为广告主提供持续影响消费者心智的品效合一的智能化广告服务,极大提升了营销的精准性、延展性和智能性。


    Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers. Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all- scene marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers. Official Website:

铂金赞助Platinum Sponsor

  • linkedin

    LinkedIn创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国加州硅谷。领英致力于连接全球职场人士,并协助他们事半功倍,发挥所长。作为全球领先的职业社交网站LinkedIn用户数已超过5.9亿,中国用户数已逾4,400万。同时,有超过1,000家中国企业和政府客户携手领英招募优质人才,打造商业和雇主品牌。


    Founded in 2003, LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. More than 590M people worldwide gather on LinkedIn to stay connected and informed, advance their careers, and work smarter. Together they comprise a global community of business professionals. These are the decision-makers, influencers, and the leaders of today and tomorrow—precisely the people you want to target.
  • 头条


    Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2012. The company’s main product “Toutiao” is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered app that recommends personalized information to its users. By analyzing user interactions with content on the platform, Toutiao’s algorithms generate content lists tailored for each user, thereby differentiating from traditional methods of information distribution. Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won a remarkable market share and remained as a leading app in Apple's App Store.To date, more than 1,100,000 individuals and organizations have started their ToutiaoHao accounts, a self-publishing new media platform within the app. Official Website:
  • 网易传媒


    NetEase Media,the pioneer of Chinese internet portals and mobile information applications, has won users’ reputation for its high-quality original content, distinctive report angle and unique Follow Poster culture. Facing the trend of consumption upgrade, in year 2017, NetEase Media has firstly put forward the Content Consumption Upgrade Leader Strategy and fully entered the pan-entertainment industry. Official
  • 知乎




    截止 2018 8 月,知乎注册用户数已突破 2 亿,以 18-35 岁人群为主,回答数超过 1.2亿。



    As a well-known knowledge content platform in the Chinese internet, Zhihu aims at building a knowledge-sharing network that is accessible to all with the vision of "connecting everything with knowledge", making it easier for people to share knowledge, experience and insights and discover a larger world. With the mission of "helping people better understand the world", Zhihu has gathered the most creative people in the fields of technology, commerce and culture on the Internet in China with a serious, professional and friendly community atmosphere and unique product mechanism. Users in Zhihu can establish trust and connection through knowledge, and they can have rational, in-depth and multi-dimensional discussions on hot events or topics. They can share professional, interesting and diversified high-quality content, create and enhance personal brand value, and discover and gain new opportunities. Zhihu will continue to build an ecology with knowledge sharing as its core in the future, and build a sustainable content and expert network to help people meet their needs in life, work, study and innovation scenarios, which will bring profound influence and positive changes to related industries. By August 2018, the number of registered users in Zhihu had exceeded 200 million, mainly those aged 18 - 35, and the number of replies exceeded 120 million. At present, Zhihu provides users with the core function of "Q&A". In addition, Zhihu also provides users with a one-stop knowledge service platform "Zhihu University" and a series of knowledge products and services such as "Ideas" for short content sharing, constantly enriching and improving users' knowledge sharing and consumption scenarios.​ Official
  • 360


    360 AD Platform is a panoramic intelligent marketing platform leading in China. Relying on its massive users and cross-screen multi-terminal panoramic innovation resources of the 360 PC and mobile terminals as well as its intelligent hardware, 360 AD Platform can provide 800 million users with safer and more convenient information services, based on the big data of its unique consumer behavioral chain, its multivariate content marketing and technological product innovation, so that, nearly one million leading enterprises around the world could comprehensively improve their marketing effectiveness.
  • 赛诺贝斯


    SINObase Marketing Technology Corporation (stock code: 836311), was founded in 2005, abbreviated as SINObase. SINObase is the leading marketing automation service provider in China , focusing on integrated marketing solutions. SINObase is the No.1 “marketing cloud” company listed on NEEQ in 2016. The core business of SINObase includes, marketing consultancy, digital marketing and big data solutions. SINObase offers clients integrated solutions in Four domain scenario: O2O Digital Event, WeChat marketing, SCRM, Omni-channel integration, to help our clients to optimize their digital marketing architecture and build their own big data platform, and enable automated marketing process management. The integrated, precise and efficient "SAAS +marketing services" business model is based on Smarket (智营者®), which is fully developed by SINObase as the marketing automation SAAS platform. SINObase has three subscidaries in Beijing, Shanghai and Shijiazhuang, 200+ employees and over 800 featured customers. With over a decade of innovation and development, SINObase becomes the preferred supplier of Fortune 500 and well-known domestic enterprises, such as Dell China, HP, Fuji Xerox, Symantec, Oracle, Peugeot, Huawei, Lenovo, Baidu, etc., covering IT, financial services, education, manufacturing, FMCG, automotive and other industries. SINObase is the leading marketing service provider, delivering 1,000+ projects and 2,000+ digital events every year. The value proposition of SINObase is "intelligent integration to maximize marketing value", which means to improve marketing efficiency, reduce marketing cost, and ensure marketing effectiveness.

黄金赞助Gold Sponsor

  • bilibili

    哔哩哔哩(bilibili)现为国内领先的年轻人文化社区,该网站于2009626日创建,被粉丝们亲切的称为“B。 根据数据公司。QuestMobile发布的《移动互联网 2017 Q2 夏季报告》,B站位列24岁及以下年轻用户偏爱的十大APP榜首。  B站在20173月成立了国创(国产原创)专区,致力于国产原创动画的推广与生态维护。截止20184月,国产原创动画播放量累计达到18亿。



    B站拥有动画、番剧、国创、音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、鬼畜、娱乐、时尚等多个内容分区。89%的视频播放量来自专业用户创作视频(Professional User
    Generated Video
    PUGV)。用户中82%是出生于1990-2009年之间的年轻人,在招股书中被称为中国的“Generation Z”Z世代)。


    Bilibili represents the iconic brand of online entertainment with a mission to enrich the everyday life of the young generations in China. With our website first launched in June 2009 and officially named ‘‘bilibili’’ in January 2010, we have evolved from a content community inspired by anime, comics and games (ACG) into a full-spectrum online entertainment world covering a wide array of genres and media formats, including videos, live broadcasting and mobile games. We provide an immersive entertainment experience and high-quality content that caters to the evolving and diversified interests of our users and our communities, and have built our platform based on the strong emotional connections of our users to our content and communities. We pioneered the ‘‘bullet chatting’’ feature, a live commenting function that has transformed the viewing experience by displaying thoughts and feelings of other audience viewing the same video. We have now become the welcoming home of diverse cultures and interests and destination for discovering cultural trends and phenomena for young generations in China
  • 美团点评



    当前,美团战略聚焦 Food + Platform,正以“吃”为核心,建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。

    The mission of Meituan Dianping is: “We help people eat better, live better.” As China's leading e-commerce platform for services, Meituan operates well-known mobile apps in China, including Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Dache, Mobike and others. Meituan offers  over 200 service categories,including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2800 cities and counties across China. In the first half year of 2018 (January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018), the total transactions at  Meituan reached RMB231.9 billion in Gross Transaction Volume. Over the past 12 months (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), Meituan served 357 million Transacting users, and 5.1 million Active Merchants. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited(HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a multi-level technology service platform, covering the whole process from demand to supply in people’s daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan is striving to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal  to build smart cities and create a better life for people through the in-depth cooperation with government organizations, colleges and universities and research institutes, mainstream media, non-profit organizations and ecosystem partners.
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • admaster




    AdMaster helps enterprises create commercial value through advanced measurement and analysis solutions. AdMaster aims to be the world’s leading independent third-party data technology company. It helps brands optimize business strategies and create commercial value with comprehensive measurement solutions and insight and analysis services. Its service portfolio includes advertisement measurement and verification; benchmarking and media planning tools; single-source data solutions; social and content insight analysis(including pan-IP and content marketing measurement); and media technology solutions. AdMaster uses advanced data technology to bridge the gap between brands and consumers and help brands evaluate their ROI. Today, AdMaster provides over 80% of international and Chinese brands from every industry with data products and services that maximize digital marketing investment.
  • 意略明


    Founded in 2007 as an insight-driven strategy consulting firm to leverage the best of the management consulting and market research industries, Illuminera has evolved into a premier data-empowered marketing and strategy consulting group with international presence.  Illuminera’s unique strength lies in the deep belief that data of all dimensions, if analyzed properly, can lead to revealing insight which in turn illuminates powerful business strategies and vastly improves marketing operational efficiency. From developing growth roadmaps to positioning mega brands, from innovating new products and business models to rewriting the rules of media planning with AI algorithms, time and again our unique philosophy and methodologies yield insights,  strategies and marketing efficiency that afford our clients with substantial competitive edge. Today Illuminera has expanded into a collection of boutiques each with unique strengths and specializations but all relentlessly striving to help clients to innovate, grow and win.​
  • pinyou

    品友互动拥有全球顶尖数据挖掘和机器学习算法科研团队,在广告技术领域率先引入大数据 研究方法。依托国际领先水平的实时竞价架构和算法,先进的人群分析专利技术,通过与包 括运营商在内的第三方数据商建立资本、战略合作关系拥有独特的数据资产,跨越单一媒体 (平台)的“全网全量”的规模优势,品友正在帮助越来越多来自亚洲、欧洲、北美地区的 广告主进行一站式的智能营销决策管理和优化。

  • momo


    Momo Inc. (Nasdaq: MOMO) is one of China's leading mobile social networking platforms. Momo enables users to establish and expand social relationships based on location and interests. Our platform includes our Momo mobile application and a variety of related features, functionalities, tools and services that we provide to users, customers and platform partners. We aim to offer our users an authentic social experience by encouraging them to provide detailed personal information on Momo.
  • ipg

    IPG盟博 (IPG Mediabrands) 隶属于IPG集团 (NYSE: IPG),成立于2007年,负责管理集团IPG全球范围内所有媒体相关资产。IPG盟博在全球范围内的媒介承揽额达390亿美元,拥有10,500多名营销传播专家,遍布全球130多个国家。IPG盟博是一家新兴的全球代理机构,以动态营销为核心理念。IPG盟博旗下媒介代理机构包括UM优盟、Initiative极致传媒和Reprise,同时拥有Cadreon凯骏和MAGNA等专业单元。

    IPG Mediabrands was founded by Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) in 2007 to manage all of its global media related assets. Today, we manage over $39 billion in marketing investment on behalf of our clients, employing over 10,500 marketing communication specialists in more than 130 countries. IPG Mediabrands is a new world agency group designed with dynamic marketing at its core. Our speed, agility and data smarts ensure we continue to create growth for many of the world’s biggest brands. IPG Mediabrands’ network of agencies in China includes UM, Initiative and Reprise as well as specialty business units Cadreon and MAGNA.
  • 喜马拉雅


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.
  • 分众

    •       2003年,分众传媒首创电梯媒体
    •       十五年来,分众营收复合增长率超58%
    •       2005年成为首家在美国纳斯达克上市的中国广告传媒股并于2007年入选纳斯达克100指数
    •       2015年底回归A股,市值突破千亿,成为中国媒体市值第一股
    •       2016年,作为中国第二大媒体集团,全年营收102亿
    •       2016年,分众传媒位列“中国上市公司市值500强” 第63位

    •       2017年,分众传媒纳入MSCI中国A股指数

    •       2017年,连续斩获纽约、釜山、伦敦等广告节媒体大奖

    •       2003,Mr. Jiang founded Focus Media, the first elevator media advertising company •       Compound growth rate of revenue reached 58%+ among 15 years •       Listed in Nasdaq in July 2005, the first media group in overseas stock market,  appointed as one of top 100 index stocks in Nasdaq in 2007 •       Back to China stock market in Dec.2015, market value achieved RMB150+ billion and listed among the top media companies in China market. •       2016,total revenue reached RMB10+ Billion, second largest media group in China. •       2016,listed 63rd among Top 500 China’s Listed Company •       2017,listed in The MSCI China A-share index •       2017,awarded by New York Advertising Festivals, AD Stars and London International Advertising Awards

战略合作媒体Strategic Media Partner

  • 新营销
  • 中国广告
  • Digivoice


  • adexchanger
  • 胖鲸智库


新闻稿发布合作伙伴Official Press Release Agency

独家旅游科技媒体Support Media


  • 数英
  • 杜高斯电视
  • businesswire
  • Pitchina


  • 广告门
  • asiabriefing

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia.
    With 26 years of on-the-ground experience, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, Alliance Partner firms in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

  • topagency
  • 砍柴网
  • 零售商业评论
  • 电商在线
  • 消费者报道
  • 亿邦动力
  • 好奇心日报
  • 梅花
  • 镁客网
  • 亿欧
  • 天下网商
  • CSDN
  • 执牛耳
  • 创业邦
  • 成功营销
  • Topmarketing
  • socialbeta
  • 速途网
  • 硅谷网
  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • techweb


  • 阿里妈妈



    As the digital intelligent marketing platform of Alibaba economic entity, Alimama commits to tap the potential of data energy, explores the extension of artificial intelligence technology in the field of marketing. We believe that the "inclusive marketing" driven by data and technology can endow brands and small and medium-sized businesses with the vision of " make it easy to do marketing anywhere ".
  • wise media




    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed. WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • FancyDigital

    北京泛为信息科技有限公司(中英文简称泛为科技 FancyDigital)是中国领先的数字营销技术公司,专注视频营销。公司总部位于北京,在上海、广州设有分公司。泛为科技推出视频营销、移动营销、社交营销三大主营业务,差异化地整合优质视频资源,为品牌广告主提供以“视频+”策略为中心的一站式营销解决方案。并通过系统化、智能化、数据化的投放方式,跨屏跨媒体跨内容打通各投放渠道,帮助品牌广告主更高效地管理传播专案、提升传播势能。

    Founded in 2013,FancyDigital is a leading digital marketing company in China, focused on online Video ads. The company's headquarters is located in Beijing with branch offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.FancyDigital hasexpanded three major businesses including ,to integrate quality video resources differently.FancyDigital will provide a one-stop marketing solution centered on the "video +" strategy for brand advertisers.Through the way of systematization, intellectualization and datamation, and cross-screen,cross-media, cross-content , FancyDigital willhelp brand advertisers to open up the channels of communication and to manage the project more efficiently and enhance the potential energy of the spread.
  • 秒硕

    秒硕科技(MaxBit)2015年成立以来,一直专注于为品牌广告主最大化营销活动中每个环节的价值。作为一家技术型整合营销公司,秒硕科技旗下业务包括MaxCloud(企业级营销服务),MaxView(数字广告业务), 旨在为客户提供一站式的新媒体营销解决方案。秒硕科技充分发挥自身优势,利用数据与技术推动品牌营销的持续创新,打造多样化的全新营销场景从而有机整合品牌与消费者,使广告转换为对消费者有用的信息。目前,秒硕科技已经为汽车、快消等行业的海内外多家知名品牌打造了成功的营销案例。


    MaxBit, founded in 2015, has been focusing on maximizing the value of every bit of marketing for brand advertisers. As an integrated marketing technology provider, MaxBit offers marketer with one-stop-shop of marketing solutions and products includingMaxCloud(SaaS Marketing Cloud), MaxView (Digital Media Solutions ). Leveraging data and technology to facilitate continuous innovation on brand building, MaxBit enables brands to create disruptive marketing scenario and to integrate brand with consumer spontaneously, transform ad to usable information for consumer.
  • Profitero

    Profitero是一家由前IBM和Google资深科学家于2010年创立的全球化电商大数据分析公司,通过对天猫,京东,VIP,亚马逊等各类电商平台和移动端电商数据监测和洞察分析,帮助品牌提高电商运营绩效。Profitero目前服务全球30多个国家的500多家知名零售品牌,诸如Adidas, Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II 和 L’Oreal的电商业务。现在我们每天监测800,000个电商平台,分析4.5亿产品的海量数据。从2016年开始我们和尼尔森成为全球合作伙伴。我们是第一个也是唯一一个同时提供品牌电商店铺级别(SKU)和销售数据监测的服务商。

    Build your action plan for eCommerce growth

    Profitero is the eCommerce Performance analytics platform of choice for leading brands around the world. With Profitero, brands can measure their digital shelf performance across 8,000+ retailer sites including Tmall, JD, as well as mobile apps in 50 countries, gaining actionable insights to improve product content, search placement, ratings & reviews, availability, assortment and pricing. Many of the world’s leading brand manufacturers depend on Profitero’s granular and highly-accurate data to measure and improve their eCommerce performance, including Beiersdorf, Edgewell, General Mills, Heineken, Kids II and L’Oreal. Profitero has a rapidly growing team based in Shanghai, supported by eCommerce experts with decades of experience.
  • 悠易互通


    Yoyi Digital is the leading platform in multi-screen programmatic buying in China. With the vision of focusing on data and technology, Yoyi Digital is leading the transformation in display ads from media buying to audience buying. With data and technology advantages, Yoyi launched the first DSP in China which based on Real Time Biding(RTB), and also the first to bring the concept of cross-screen programmatic buying in China. In 2014, Yoyi launched Databank, China’s first real-meaning DMP, which helps advertisers on collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party data from advertisers’ website and app as well as third-party data assembled by Yoyi and other data providers. Furthermore, Yoyi took the lead in entering the OTT indursty, launched the programmatic TV platform, established Big Data Lab by cooperating with Hisense, a Chinese famous Smart TV manufacturer,realising the data and platform integration, thus to provide more creative OTT solutions to advertisers. Yoyi is also the only DSP platform that cross multi-screens including PC, mobile,video and OTT. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 1000 global and local brands, including Coco Cola, Budweiser, Audi, Toyota, Sumsang, Haier, Shell and Kimberly etc. With such strong influence,Yoyi Digital is continuously driving the revolution of digital marketing in China. Yoyi Digital is based in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou.​
  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:
  • 脉脉




    Maimai, The first entrance to the Chinese workplace, is committed to helping professionals achieve career dreams, and to energizing the Chinese professionals and enterprises.
  • 时趣

    时趣互动是中国领先的数字营销解决方案公司,为大型品牌提供技术驱动的营销解决方案。时趣入选2018、2017连续两年拉姆·查兰管理实践奖、2017大中华区艾菲实效排名“最具实效独立代理公司Top 10”、2017哈佛商业评论中国年度最佳雇主最具智造精神雇主、2016安永复旦评选的“中国最具潜力企业”、2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency、Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide、2015《中国企业家》评选的未来之星100强等荣誉奖项。


    As China’s leading digital marketing solution provider, Social Touch offers technology-driven marketing solutions for big brands. The company won Management Practice Prize of Ram Charan Management Practice Award in 2018 & 2017, “Top 10 Most Effective Independent Agencies” by Effie Awards in 2017, The Most Innovative Employer of China Best Employer Award by Harvard Business Review in 2017, The Most Potential Company in China by E&Y-Fudan in 2016, 2016 Forrester Wave Top 7 China Digital Agency, Gartner SCRM Recommendation Guide, Top 100 Future Stars by China Entrepreneur Magazine in 2015, etc. Official
  • 聚塔



    Juta Online is a digital marketing solutions provider which focused on data and technology empowerment. With its headquarter in Shanghai and a branch in Shenzhen providing customers with a full-link digital marketing solutions & services. The main business covers media buy, Applet smart retail, content marketing. In October 2018, the company was awarded the core agent of Huawei Paid Presentation Service (PPS) officially. Also, the Juta Applet Smart Retail Solution has launched in the same year, which provided customers with massive social traffic and CPS cooperation mode to attract a large number of partners. For more details, please visit the official website:
  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .
  • 诸葛io


    Zhugeio launched in March 2015. It is a platform focusing on providing enterprises with data collection, analysis and decision-making of users' entire life cycle. Based on UTSE users model and an open and flexible technology platform, it enables enterprises' digital strategic development and improves enterprises' operation and marketing efficiency. The headquarters is based in Beijing with the company establishing offices across Shanghai, Shenzhen, and R&D facilities in Wuhan.By May 2018, more than 50,000 great enterprises, such as Guangming, Suning, Eleme, Wal-Mart, TAL,, Zhaopin Recruitment, and moji have used Zhugeio’s data analysis platform.
  • 瑞恩传媒

    AdRich中国领先AI全场景智能营销服务商,致力于通过人工智能打造数字营销新生态 。


  • 文军


    Shanghai WENJUN Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,founded in 2009 with an abbreviated name of Wenjun Cyber Marketing, is a company dedicated to providing services of assistances for enterprises for brand value creation on Internet, enterprises online brand communication and reputation management through big data &AI technology.Wenjun Cyber Marketing, On the one hand, provides companies with customized services like SEO and content marketing for better effect of online brand spread through our big data cyber marketing tool WJ Insight (also called “洞察之眼” in Chinese, meaning “the insighted eye”, is a brand monitoring for rivals cyber marketing analysis). On the other hand,  Wenjun uses WJ Monitor (company public opinoin monitoring, warning& reporting) to provide better brand reputation management combining with online words-of-mouth optimization service. There are thousands of clients of Wenjun Cyber Marketing covering    finance, FMCG, auto, education, manufacturing, Internet and etc.
  • marketin

    Marketin (上海弋关网络科技有限公司) 是中国领先的营销技术公司,为品牌及营销机构提供开放式营销云(MarketinOS),提供一站式营销自动化与优化解决方案,包括广告自动化优化系统(Marketin Trading Desk)和营销自动化管理系统(Marketin Automator)等不同产品。Marketin在中国首个推出通过双向API深度集成包括国内几乎所有主流程序化媒体平台、数据管理平台、创意优化、品牌安全、内容管理和CRM等不同工具的一站式营销平台,管理展示广告、微信、短信、邮件和推送等不同营销触点。众多世界500强企业以及国内外领先的营销代理集团使用Marketin系统产品进行跨平台协作,评估、管理和优化营销活动。

    Marketin is a leading marketing technology company, providing enterprise-level 1-stop marketing automation & optimization platform MarketinOS, an open marketing cloud, incl. trading desk for automated ad optimization & marketing automation product modules. Marketin is the 1st 1-stop marketing optimization platform in China to integrate multiple digital platforms, including almost all China mainstream programmatic media platforms, DMPs, creative platforms, brand safety, content management and CRM systems,etc, via 2-way APIs, managing multiple touchpoints incl. display ads, WeChat, SMS, email and push notifications, etc. Many global top 500 companies and leading agencies use Marketin products to manage, evaluate and optimize cross-platform marketing campaigns.
  • 个灯


    ABeacon, a subsidiary of GeTui, focuses on providing data management platform (DMP) services to brand owners. Based on GeTui's massive data resources and strong data analytical capabilities, aBeacon is able to provide comprehensive services that range from data asset integration, audience insight and targeting, to media strategy optimization and results monitoring. By empowering brands with data capabilities, aBeacon is aimed at optimizing the value of all marketing activities.
  • cosmose
  • 友乐



    CROSSNAVI was born in 2016. It is a leading programmatic management platform in China concentrating on cross-border precision marketing. It serves the premium cross-border consumption advertisers in the world based on cross-border consumption data analysis and cross-border vertical traffic . The CrossNavi platform includes the SSP platform that integrates high-quality vertical traffic, the DMP platform that accumulates massive consumption data of cross-border accurate people and the self-developed platform DSP which has intelligent engine algorithm to help global companies harvest global cross-border consumption business value.
  • 开域

    开域集团(Cue Group)是由全球领先的PE机构KKR与业界精英共同发起的,整合数字营销全产业链的综合解决方案平台。集团提供的服务涵盖品牌策略、品牌传播、内容生产、社会化营销、电商运营、搜索营销、精准营销、信息流、应用分发、视频、程序化购买、大数据分析、流量变现等。公司已经成为各大媒体平台的战略级合作伙伴,服务的客户覆盖互联网服务、电商、金融、旅游、教育、快消品、奢侈品、汽车等多个行业。

    Cue Group is a comprehensive solution platform that integrates the digital marketing industry chain with KKR, the world's leading PE organization, and industry elites. The Group's services include brand strategy, brand communication, content production, social marketing, e-commerce operations, search marketing, precision marketing, information flow, application distribution, video, programmatic buying, big data analysis, traffic realisation and more. The company has become a strategic partner of major media platforms, serving customers in Internet services, e-commerce, finance, tourism, education, FMCG, luxury goods, automotive and many other industries.
  • 创略科技


    APEX Technologies is a data technology and AI company that specializes in enhancing marketing and customer experience. By building a complete customer data platform from data collection to application, APEX Technologies provides business users with a seamless experience in marketing campaigns, helping companies to grow and improving customer satisfaction. APEX Technologies also ensures that companies can easily activate their customer segments in online and offline marketing channels and receive real-time feedback to continuously improve the algorithm. This provides convenient end-to-end solutions for corporate marketing teams and CRM teams.
  • 贴易


    我们致力于解决零售业一线顾问与消费者沟通问题,帮助销售顾问更全面、及时、有效的服务客户,拓展零售门店的营业空间与时间,从而有效的提升平效。帮助零售业实现在线与在店(OMO: Online Merge Offline)的有效融合。

    Yilou is the leader of smart retail solution provider in China, which own more than 50 industry research, product development, operation service specialist. Has served many Fortune 500 companies, involved cosmetic, boutique retail and other industries since established in 2018.  We devote ourselves to solve the problems of communication between retail consultant and consumers. Help sales to serve customers more comprehensive, timely and effective. Expend the space and time of stores, to enhance the Efficiency per Square Meter. Help retail industry to achieve the combination of online and in-store(OMO: Online Merge Offline).

独家指定高端饮用水Exclusive high-end drinking water

  • Voss 芙丝


    VOSS beganin 1998, two young men who are in search of perfection hoped to bring the bestbottled water to the consumers. After rounds of selection, VOSS was eventuallyborn in Norway. With its unparalleled quality and unique bottle design, VOSSbecame popular in Hollywood as soon as it was released. And it’s the favoritechoice of politicians, world top-class competitions, awards ceremony, Michelinrestaurants and starred hotels. Nowadays, VOSS has been spread all over theworld in nearly hundreds of countries and regions, and it has become a classicbrand representing high quality lifestyle. VOSS isalways in accordance with the brand concept of purity, distinction, responsibility and quality to provide the best drinking experience forconsumers constantly and offer consumers with more choices by exploring theproduct line insistently.



SCRM 合作伙伴SCRM Partner

  • 群脉


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services; MaiSCRM has successfully helped build omni channel customer engagement platform for many leading companies like Unilever, Master Kong, Medela, vivo, Parkson, Vanke. For more information, please visit:

直播合作伙伴Live broadcast partners

独家电梯媒体支持Exclusive Audio Partner

咖啡合作伙伴Official Coffee Partner

  • 三顿半咖啡


    Saturnbird Coffee is member of SCAA ( Specialty Coffee Association of America). Quality controlled by Q-GRADER certified by CQI (Coffee Quality Institute.) With its own 2000 m2 SC certified coffee roasting factory and NEODROP as a taste design studio integrated with forward-looking technologies, Saturnbird Coffee gives more possibilities to specialty coffee by continuous exploration and creativity

独家数字会务支持Exclusive Digital Conference Support

  • 31会议

    31会议是中国领先的场景营销科技公司,隶属于上海八彦图信息科技有限公司。公司成立于2010年,以科技驱动客户成功为使命,运用互联网、物联网、人工智能等技术,实现一站式全流程数字会务管理,帮助用户提升办会效率,重塑客户体验,真正实现“会 • 更轻松”。31会议,陆续推出会议云、营销云2大产品体系。至今已服务30多万家企业、130多万场会议。公司总部位于上海,全国拥有17个分支机构,业务辐射全国。

    31 Event was founded in 2010, and taking Technology Drives Customer’s Success as the mission. Three clouds were continuously released: Event Cloud, Interactive Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By the end of 2016, 31 Event has provided service for more than 300 thousand companies with more than 1.3 million events. Headquarter of 31 Event is located in Shanghai with 15 branches across China. 31 Event Cloud: By using the technology of the Internet and the Internet of things, to fulfill one-stop full- process digital operation of events, which covers event marketing, online event registration, onsite solutions, mobile solutions for events, data management etc. 31 event cloud optimize the entire event management value chain and have enabled clients to manage hundreds of thousands of meetings and events. 31 Marketing Cloud: Intelligent Customer Incubation for enterprises, aiming to help marketing department, which covers event management, Wechat marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, customer incubation, leads management and statistical analysis. It’s integrated, modularized and streamlined. 31 marketing cloud improve marketing efficiency and clients experience to increase performance. 31 Interactive Cloud is an engagement platform to stimulate audience to participate the events ,like lucky draw , polls ,and Q&A etc ,all of these are realtime display in the big Screen via wechat or h5 .

官方视频合作伙伴Official Video Partner

  • 道程


    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.

独家音频合作伙伴Exclusive audio partners

独家即时影像合作伙伴Exclusive Real-time Image Partner

  • Vphoto

    目前, VPhoto服务遍布国内176个主要城市及海外16个国家,注册

    VPhoto旗下主要产品包括: VPhoto云摄影、VPhoto云视频

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